
Showing posts from July, 2013

B tech books suggested for reference by kerala university -semester 1 and 2-,scheme -2013

For semesters (1& 2) 3.101 ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS - I  Please click on the name of the book you want to know more details  and to  purchase  them online at minimum 25 %off,click on book name to more about individual book offers on 1.  Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9/e, Wiley India, 2013- Click  here to buy Flat 36%off -click here to grab this offer on this book . 2.  Grewal B.S., Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publications, 2012 -Click  here to buy. 3.  Ramana B.V., Higher Engineering Mathematics, Tata McGraw Hill, 2007. -Click  here to buy Flat 25%off on this book,click here to grab this offer 4. Bali N. P. and Manish Goyal, Engineering Mathematics, 7/e, Laxmi Publications, India, 2012. -Click to buy 5. Babu Ram, Engineering Mathematics, Pearson, 2012.-volume-1 -Click to buy . Babu Ram, Engineering Mathematics, Pearson, 2012.Volume-2...